Home-Study Seminar
What is the One in Christ Home-Study Seminar?
The two-part seminar is designed as a highly interactive and comprehensive marriage preparation program, so that couples will grow in their love for each other and in their knowledge of the Sacrament of Matrimony through catechesis, discussion and prayer. The in-person seminar, which is postponed at this time, includes numerous small and large group discussions, faith-filled presenters who teach and offer their testimonials, as well as time for private reflection and prayer. Likewise, the home-study program has incorporated this highly engaging pedagogical approach and is proving to be a great success.
An overwhelmingly positive response has come from all of the couples who have participated in the online home-study seminar. They can’t believe how much they have learned together: Many of them have said that their communication has improved greatly, especially relative to many topics they would not have discussed were it not for the seminar. The online home-study program allows couples to work at their own pace with the readings and videos.

What Couples Say
After thoughtful, challenging and fruitful discussions, couples are asked to submit written reflections on what they gleaned from the material. These discussions are designed to foster open communication and to understand, on a deeper level, the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church. Couples have found this to be extremely rewarding for their future marriage.
How does the home-study work?
Couples are asked to read from the One in Christ manual, which is deeply theological, spiritual and historical, and then view several videos from the Dynamic Catholic video series, Better Together. This series contains a lot of practical advice and spiritual support from several couples on a variety of topics; both the manual and videos complement each other quite well.
Once the couple completes and submits their personal reflections, Fr. Thomas, author of One in Christ, works with each couple individually via email to guide, support and encourage them with personal feedback and advice.
Although participants do not meet in person, Fr. Thomas and his presenting couples will provide their own personal YouTube videos in order to expound on the presentations and answer all of the couples’ individual questions from the presentations and the videos.
What is included in the fee?
As part of the well-spent fee, each couple will receive the following by mail.
- Two One in Christ manuals
- The Preparing for the Rite of Marriage book
- Two Handbook of Prayers
- Sacramental gifts
- Fertility Awareness/Natural Family Planning materials and classes
The presenting couples receive stipends for making their personal YouTube videos, and Fr. Thomas provides several opportunities for couples to win a “date night” out. Lisa Jurski, our licensed Fertility Awareness-Creighton Practitioner, oversees the fertility/natural family planning classes. For more information, check out her website: fertilitycarecenterofchicago.com.
With that said, I hope and pray that this online home-study seminar will be an enriching experience for you and that you will come to a greater understanding and knowledge of the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church.